Saturday, June 21, 2008

Acrostic For Twilight

"The trembling mountain" ... the name itself seems a whole program, and then all go crazy while under the hot sun chasing the look with the roar of the engines during the Grand Prix Formula 1 we opt for a quiet weekend outdoors, away from the hectic pace that life in the city requires us ...
First of all it's worth to say a few words to my fellow travel soon be on sale at leading retailers of toys.
After the success of Barbie "Princess and the Pea" and Ken "I've got the pea is out Wamba !!!"," lifeguard ":

(note the look arrogant (Fanfaroni) challenge that only this new model)
a wheeled out by Stefan "We wanted to come":

Our heroes become more familiar with the place and just got the link lake where Wamba "lifeguard" will perform in the near future His famous propitiatory dance to remain Covarelli.

Come back to the hostel, after a hike in kayak in the drawing does not give us visual contributions, not to disturb the common sense of decency, you inform the Toty so naive and euphoric about the best way to reach the heart of the Natural Park of Mont-Tramblant ...
are the worst 3 minutes and a half of the entire weekend, the moment in which our heroes realize that in Canada there is something that can not work, someone who can sometimes rowing against the bus service to ... reach the entrance of the park will begin in just two weekends (note the "s" in the plural ... or maybe it was weeks ... boh-end), the crisis and despair afflict the Toty no apparent chance of salvation. I know that Nick probably would find out before you leave Italy, that this bus runs only in summer, and that the park is 3 hours away (by bike !!!), but in the end the intrepid company resolves everything in a trip to Mont-Tremblant, the rest gives the park its name, what the fuck, that's wonderful is not it?!?!
the company also joins Andrew, an Englishman of Southampton, who spends his life traveling and renting the house he has in England (He saw a beautiful world go ...). Wamba and I remain shocked when we realize that most of us sick of football ...
Here we are all 4 together to conquer the summit of motagna!

Well, actually the highest peak does not exceed 914 meters ... and we got the cable car (gondola) But the rest was a grind! After a walk
average demanding, lengthened by a blunder of the group's sense of orientation, we come to a place where the landscape is really worth, even if Toty need a blood transfusion as a result to the continuous attacks of mosquitoes and other moschino funny that you suck the blood from everywhere ...

Come back our heroes still opt for the solution cabin, while the bold Toty if made on foot ... 2 and a half hours alone in the forest wild and untouched ... and down ... knee that has!
few meetings during his arduous journey (no human!) With the exception of Theodore, the loser of fat and more chipmonks, remember them?
Here ...

After a while ', by which time we went in confidence, tells me that the two brothers have both had a bad end ... Theodor struggling to hold back tears of rage telling me how his brother Alvin , after the fame and success, has been destroyed by alcohol and women, and both finished reeds to weave in a sanitarium in Wisconsin, while Simon, the most educated of the three, is finite (by choice) to teach chemistry Public high school in a black neighborhood in Milwaukee (yes, the city of "Happy Days" Fonzie happy to but not least Simon, reduced to a wheelchair by a boy in his class, who liked to play baseball with his knees ...). After greeting
Theodor, a political refugee in Canada after having been part of the "people of Seattle" against the G8, I met Woody Woodpecker woodpecker tree, readily immortalized:

entrance was a sign "out of business" ... but in reality I felt tapping, I do not know, maybe he was hiding for fear that the landlord had come to ask for the rent ...
So, long story short (too late now .. seh. know!) After more than 2 hours Toty (and I say, now you realized, however, always speak in third person scene) comes now exhausted in the village of Tremblant, where he sees Dad parked the car up der in the second row ...." gliel'avrò said many times ... "

Eventually the group is reunited, and after a series of endless complaints Stefania "We wanted to come," convinces her to follow the lake (one of the 1,000 lakes in the area) for a "Tuffin" before dinner ...

(here we can admire the physique of our heroes, which enhances the light and shade against the fruit of their many beautiful shape)

(here, after at least five minutes good, they can find the courage to jump ...) Then the
Wamba, sparing for photographers flocked en masse to the event, lends itself to a series of poses typical of his repertoire male:

Finally, the meeting between the pond and Toty Kermit "The Frog" ...

Being amphibious freshwater tries unsuccessfully to convince his dialectic with the squid to go live on the banks of the St. Lawrence freshwater Toty but the longing for the sea salt, sea urchins planted under the feet of sludge stuck on his pants, the Florentines to the inlet of the Lion on Sunday ... and so the two greet each other, and Toty he returned to Montreal, bringing his new friends still animals at heart, Stefania and Andrew ... and including at least the latter two animals, I think the discussion also applies to Wamba.


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