Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nancy Drew Ice Walkthrough

Ippolito Nievo

thunders Where a fact, you may be sure, has flashed an idea.
Ippolito Nievo
Ippolito was born in Padua, November 30, 1831, Antonio's son, lawyer of noble birth valances, and Adela Marin, a descendant of the Colloredo Mont'Albo in Friuli. The feudal Fratta theater that will come to life in The Confessions of an Italian is therefore already present in the same family of Ippolito: we can imagine born as the affectionate irony with which the writer looks at the quirks and foibles of the aristocratic world.

After spending the early years of childhood in various cities of Lombardy and Veneto, always following in his father's business trips, in 1841, Ippolito enters a boarding school in the college seminar in Verona, where he enrolled in the gymnasium of St. Anastasia and will continue to attend from outside when, two years later, will leave.

Nievo In 1847, pass the exams, back at the family home in Mantua. From this point on, the personal biography of the young Ippolito is tied hand in glove with the historical and political events of his time, dominated by the movements Austrian anti-patriotic, and feelings: a link where you will also build the plot of his future masterpiece, whose protagonist, Carlino Altoviti has been rightly called a "PICARO del Risorgimento." In Mantua, in fact, Nievo participate in the attempted insurrection of 1848, which failed to leave the city disappointed with his friend Attilio Magri, with whom he spent several months in Cremona. Hence the romance with Matilde Ferrari, which lasted two years and future inspiration for the love of romance Antiafrodisiaco Plato, written in 1851.

Baccalaureate, Nievo he enrolled in the course of law at the University of Pavia. But even if it is a brilliant student and will reach a degree in utroque iure in 1855, however, his mind, effort and its real interests are now directed elsewhere. In 1852 it started its activity as a publicist, which will continue alongside the literary work ever. In 1854 released by the publisher of Udine Vendrame the first volume of verse, a collection of poems previously published in the journal The Alchemist Friuli. " In the same year made his debut as a playwright Nievo: is represented in Padua, in truth, with little success, his play The Last Days of Galileo Galilei.

But now the way the writer is clearly marked: disappointed by the political situation in his country, retired in 1855 Ippolito in the countryside, Moat Rodigo, and here begins a period of intense artistic productivity. Are intertwined in recent months, the project narrative novels Angel of goodness and Count pecorajo, Il Varmo peasant and other stories, and already beginning to emerge in the mind of the outline of what will be Confessions of an Italian , his masterpiece. In addition, with his journalism activities, Nievo gets closer to the militant journalism Milan and works with John De Castro, editor of the weekly "coffee."

The following year, in 1856, the Avvocatino The story, published in the Milan paper, "The Panorama universal ' gives him a trial for insulting the Austrian authorities: Nievo assume the sponsorship of himself and is forced to spend long periods in Milan to attend the legal proceedings. A nuisance only in appearance: in fact, is the opportunity to enjoy the lively cultural climate in Milan and participate in political and literary debates that animated the eyes of that provincial Nievo must have seemed a great metropolis. Returning to Colloredo, Gobio Nievo write to his friend Carlo, still in the city Lombard: 'Vo' for refugee boundless deserts, in big boots to Suwarov mud to the knees, sit in the stalls to dispute with the peasants, I turo ears to some echo not distant sounds that comes to us (...) - And what do you make of your life Pet Almighty? - Oh how happy spirit a pocolino perfumes and cream risotto Milanese! ... Ma .. However my job has jumped the fence, and the crime has changed in plain contravention of the press! so I hope to receive your passport. "

It is evident that the regret for leaving Milan is far greater relief for the dissolution of the legal question, which in truth had never been a major source of concern for Nievo. And we think that their stay in Milan, with its endless variety of stimuli and intellectual influences, have contributed to the development point of the great novel Nievo, lying in a few months of feverish work between 1857 and 1858 (to be published only two years later, with the revised title The Confessions of an octogenarian).

in recent years of his short life Nievo aside the literary activity seems to embrace a more active approach to the history and problems of contemporary Italy. In fact, literature is always present in the watermark, and always accompanies him even in the most erratic and fragmentary letter, memo poetic journal. It is remarkable essay of 1859, the national revolution, which remained unfinished and published posthumously. Coupled with Garibaldi's troops, on May 5 1860, Fourth Nievo sail from on board the Nino Bixio Lombardo and Giuseppe Cesare Abba, will stand in Calatafimi and Palermo, and Garibaldi's will entrust the General viceintendenza shipment.

returned to the North between 1860 and 1861, to February Ippolito ordered to return to Palermo to gather the necessary information to refute rumors of a smear campaign mounted against the administration Garibaldi. On 4 March he embarked on the steamer Hercules, returning to the mainland: the ship inabisserĂ  in the Tyrrhenian Sea, off the coast of Naples. The wreck will never be found.


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