Monday, August 25, 2008

Driver Red Bridge Multi In One Rb-539

A bit of architecture, please E

After the cheerful young Piero Angela indigestion of the Web, author of Quarks interminable Special fauna in Canada, the section of Pisa blog emerges to finally bring some historical note also of great cultural and architectural interest.
Because in Canada there is not only nature, but also a lot of fine architecture and design research.
The trip to the West has given us several interesting views, but stands out among all the absolute beauty of Banff National Park, which we recommend everyone to visit if the opportunity arose.

Banff National Park was conceived and erected in 1954, after yet another failed attempt to launch trial of U.S. hydrogen bomb on Canadian territory. The Canadian government, tired of the fact that the bulky near exploited the barren flat desert airstrip in Alberta as the atomic bombs, he said "PARK" the whole area. Since that day, the U.S. changed the pleasant destination for Bikini Atoll.
The government then erected, the radioactive wasteland of nothing, a Swiss-style mountain park. With the help of architects and designers, in a short time he was pulled over an artificial environment almost perfect.
fact the characteristic of Banff is that everything is so perfect, just because strictly fake.
The mountains, inaccessible to tourists, are made with a core of Bristol board and concrete foundation and covered with multicolored cardboard, the kind of crib. The glaciers are fed by refrigeration equipment from hockey stadium. Look at the perfection of the technology impressive Columbia Glacier, you do not even see a coil.

But here we are on the plateau of the Six Glaciers. Six glaciers together produce a decent sound of refrigeration equipment, in fact, sometimes occur avalanches and landslides caused by the vibration of compressors installed behind the adiabatic bristol mountains. Here's an example.

Perfection execution is also achieved in the modern design of lakes.
The ponds are built up reservoirs of plexiglass Levissima cast filled with water. Every morning the rangers go to thickening of the blue waters, spilling tons of cobalt chloride in effervescent tablets. Here is the pleasant effect on the Peyto Lake, in honor of its designer, architect Graham Peyto, famous for its C from the chest.

Here we have the Bow Lake, where our heroes have tried a footbath orticante to cobalt chloride. A Ir Ciabatta bottom of the feet is miraculously returned blank.

This however is Moraine Lake. That morning, the ranger was particularly exaggerated chloride.

The fauna is also totally false. The filmmakers of the park called the creator of ET, Carlo Rambaldi, small robots to test for bears, moose, deer, beavers, marmots, etc..
period, in fact, these are little robot programmed to appear on the margins of the main road of the park, the famous Icefield Parkway, to the great delight of tourists and lovers of photography. The Leghorn colleague has already shown some examples, do not try to recognize fake ones, are indistinguishable.
is the Icefield Parkway, very scenic. The grass at the edges is synthetic, as the pitches of King George in Asciano.

The forests are made of laminated chipboard. Every year, each child makes a Canadian specimen tree for the examination of middle school science.
Here was the part devoted to nerds, promoted with the best.

Here are a few acres treated by the Chinese-only school in Montreal in a single year (the birth rates of the Japs have experienced a sharp downturn this year).

In all this fake perfection that has a winning Canadian design, but, frankly, in the long run putty (better then the brambles of the Monte Serra, at least there the more you eat), it remains the human experience of sharing spaces in the various hostels, including the notorious Mosquito Creek. This godforsaken hostel was without showers and toilets, no drinking water available only in the kitchen, with black hole ceases Neolithic kilometers and French perfume, and ugly kitchen in an advanced state of decomposition. You do not know how good the pasta without salt, if you are really hungry in these places. The still remember with great emotion.
Witch of the place: "We're leaving tomorrow, we're not three days' notice is the same evening to the manager (so to speak). He said, "Cool!". Cool. He
but he lives in the house next door to Heidi, equipped with hot water, bathroom, shower, kitchen clean etc etc.. How would
CIAL: I do ........ k. M ...........!

I present instead a man in gambissima, very nice and friendly, which, in every sentence uttered by us, replied with a resounding:
GREAT, SUPER !!!!!! Tony
Chatham has long been the keepers of the hostel Castle Mountain, has died down for a few days the wrath of women by offering a bathroom, a kitchen and a bedroom IPERPULITE healthy and hygienically. It 's a born actor, he starred with the Wamba "Catfights bears," a comedy that received the approval of the local public.
was worried in those days as a robot bear gets too close to the hostel, so he had to warn the rangers to replace the defective hardware of the robot, presumably hard disk (Computer Shop is the official supplier).
Former manager of Mosquito Creek, during his tenure he built the showers. I wonder how will miserably destroyed Mr. Cool in his iconoclastic fury to realize the true wild hostel (but only for guests).
Admire the windowed living room of the hostel Castle Mountain, with polished wooden floors, chairs, pillows, fireplace, ornamental plants. Three days lived in a true community, with the Spaniard Santiago who cooked for his wife, friends who spoke of the paths of Calgary, who spoke English naploetano.
Thanks Tony! Great, super Tony!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Filtered Cigars And Inhaling

'he or is not he? - Ethology beaver

I'm back fresh and motivated this time to speak in detail of the animal most fascinating - and I believe even the most intelligent and arrogant - I've ever seen in my life: the beaver.
But first, how do I talk about my "belief" without spending more on some other word in my "Messiah"? In May, I have already spoken of this man, I have already shown this man, but even with the fear that was not really a man, or at least not just a man, but rather an entity, a spirit of the forest, or that strange and mysterious place that is hostel "La Maison Majorique" of Tadoussac. Sleeping, laughing, warm around the fire, prepare breakfast and outdoor travelers and know all the people Satellite odd that the hostel in Tadoussac is truly an experience out of time, and sometimes some of the characters you meet seem timeless. One in particular seems to be born and there is always there, just as the galleon off near this hostel, or cast iron pans in the kitchen, or the piano downstairs. His name a few of you who follow us from the beginning, already know: it's Coco (Chanel, citaz. From Nick).
looks like so much to a spirit and not a real man, who seems to possess the power to rejuvenate and grow old, as well as changing all of its main characteristics at will. Its metamorphosis has proven to be so excessive by constricting the Kafkaesque question "is he or is not he?"
Judge for yourself:

May 18, 2008 - Coco shows us a tree felled by beaver Lake Tadoussac.

August 16, 2008 - Coco shows us the same tree!
not put a poll asking if the same person, because I know it's him. And then, there is irrefutable evidence of the same pants, same shoes, and said exactly the same phrases in the same places. Well, perhaps not exactly a man, an actor is placed there for the tourists!
However, having said that, as the decrepit old Coco lit months ago in me the fierce desire to learn more about these absurd rodents, and since, three months later, the new young Coco has finally been able to observe not only to do with it secretly for more than a full half-hour family work, but also to enlighten me in a whole range of their habits and customs, at this point I will make a brief summary of everything I knew about them.
All the experts I met beaver (2) prefer to speak of "families" rather than "colonies", as all the beavers who live in a group, are somehow related to each other, always. In general, the family structure consists of a pair of parents, one or more generations of sons and daughters, adults / and or less, and other adults (brothers and cousins \u200b\u200b/ and in-laws / e. ..). An adult beaver can reach 30-35 kg and a life of 20-25 years. Their diet is totally vegetarian, ranging from some types of wood in certain plants and shrubs that grow close to rivers, lakes and ponds. The wood has a variety of functions for their food, but also material to build the house and dams. One would ask why do the dams. At least, I was asked me. The fact is that the beaver has partially webbed limbs, and a robust tail which it uses as rudder when swimming. The ideal habitat for beaver, which moves better and faster, the water is low, such as ponds that it is anxious to continue to create "artificially". Out of the water is just a clumsy rodent a little 'slow and obese, which can be a prey for bears, lynx, wolves, coyotes, etc.., While in the water becomes almost elusive. So this means that families spend their lives, among other things, building dams made of pieces of trees (sometimes very impressive in size) that an adult comes to reducing the number of 200 a year, and consolidated then with earth and mud. Branches with usually a bit 'smaller but builds and strengthens the home.

typical house of a family of four specimens of beaver (2 parents + 2 pups). The shape is "bell", the only inputs underwater tunnels kind ever made with tree trunks. In the roof there is generally a sort of air intake that the beaver wider or narrower intervals to adjust the level of retained heat from the house inside (geni!!). In winter, when the pond is completely frozen, never leave the house, except when they want to draw on reserves of food, which generally consists of fallen trees or shrubs stored under water in front of the entrances to the house.

Typical dam to create a pond slowing down a river. In this case the family that lives here is "stretched", with two parents, and two generations of children, 3 of which are now adults.
Then, sometimes, it happens that the / beavers suffer a bit 'of megalomania or delusions of leadership, or simply devastating instinct towards the forest that surrounds them. A little 'as the man, but to a greatly reduced. Here's the result:

In this case only one pair of beavers more than a pond, 15 years ago has caused a veritable flood of hectares of dense forest. Slowly then, they ate all the trees and the plants they eat and use, while leaving others to die drowned trees (as you can see), and finally, to be exact just four months ago, when there ' was nothing more which feed around this "artificial lake" after 15 years moved a few hundred yards away, getting a new pond and building the house that you can see in the picture of the beaver in the previous post. So they arrive, flood, eating and devastated, and after that you move to another place to do the same thing. And so on. Fantastic!
Typically one parent each day reinforces the home and the other thinks the dam, while the kittens eat and play. Animals are almost exclusively nocturnal, they wake up around 18:00 and go to sleep at dawn. If the beavers are preyed upon and then left abandoned houses or ponds, often another young beaver takes possession of the old residence. The pairs of beavers are like pairs of Catholics last a lifetime.
At this point a mini-gallery of photos of these cute "devastating" animals is a must:

mother beaver eats.

Mom + baby beaver.

Son adult swim.

And finally, dad beaver struggling with the house. Then, the man at the 'onca, and the woman to work!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Do You Capitalize Schools Of Philosophy


Rio, a cidade maravilhosa, Rio, capital of the breathtaking viewpoints, Queen of samba, Mother of the surfers .... Rio
civil war, the deaths of Rosinha, Vidigal, Providencia, Babylon, Macacos, Complexo Alemao .... Yes, yes, we all know, I know even I, do it yourself kind of tourist, almost working, nearly integrated, almost gringa ....
Everybody knows who has seen the film, which won the Berlin Film Festival, "Tropa de Elite": a film based on true events, or at least really told, in the BOPE squad, specialized anti-narcotics troops.
Beyond the strong scenes, what makes you think is the perennial nervous tension that keeps people hanging on the edge of their lives ...
When I look around these characters take on traits of people crossing the street, the daily news stories, but the issue is more strange that the people most severely affected, raped, killed, those who live the daily violence in the favelas, disappear from my view, not everyone always counted in the victims ...
First I wondered how it was possible to accept this violence, to sit quietly in the living his life, now I do ritorvo a huge effort to remember this violence, even Verdelith!
Like a light exposure makes the blind darkness, so the daily evidence of the facts trivializes the reality: "It 's so, what can you do?" indeed, it is thought only to protect themselves and to be afraid ...
So VIVA LA VIOLENCE! living weapons, all agree, from the producers, traffickers, politicians, police, the petty criminal, the desperate, etc. ... MUST PROTECT YOURSELF! Everyone on your side of the fence, and so, especially in slums and popular, is a hymn to violence, who has won the weapon, the others are silent ...
It 's normal to get used to waiting for the shots from morro (favela) in Morro (favela) and read in the newspaper the next day how many died over your house. Now I
is very clear that the Darwinian theory says that man is the animal most suitable for this and winning, one thing I wonder: do we want to win?

Fem Vs Fem Stomach Sitting

the series "Discovery channel makes us a chainsaw" - Wrapped return ... Animals!

Well I know, from July 23 we did not live longer, and certainly you will all be in trepidation to see if we are all fine. So, I will tell you that for this Once it went well ...
hard to tell in one or more separate post all the exciting adventures of "Poker Aces scored (Wambina & Wamba, Toty & Totanina) during their 12 days passed between mountains, lakes, glaciers, bears, moose, surfers , whales, lions (ok, they were marine ...), frittissimo cod, giant cedars, eagles and Pacific Oceans, raccoons, etc. etc.., plus adding the other eight days passed from the connection between fish Toty & Totanina other bears, other whales , moose, beaver (!!!), hummingbirds, millions of gannets, seals, etc. etc..
So what Toty you feel like doing at this juncture, it is first of all to show a cold sample of all animals encountered during this kind of coast-to-coast (whereas car, plane, bike, legs, boat) that we saw from Montreal at the time of the park of Banff, and then to Vancouver Island, Vancouver and after that the Gaspesie (T & T), the park of the island of Bonaventure and Roche Perce, from park to park Forillon de la Gaspesie, Tadoussac until the now legendary, the undisputed capital of whales and frikkettoni.
Gone with the samples!
-start with the new entry, an unusual example of "Totanina mountain" on which I will refrain from giving opinions ...

-A wheel follows the "high seas Toty" ... a the first fruits of the lake ...

"And here they are gathered together, ready to lay their eggs close to the Peyto Lake (pay no attention to the man of the side that makes the military salute ... it was just a former alpine convinced to be at a rally in Belluno).

-And here's a couple of "typical in Wamba held by the Communist regime" (shit, but you can still say ???).

-And finally ... here they are together with the legs cut off ... ... a bit against the 'wrong ... but then with the self-timer can not be expected more.

-Volatile unknown to us in the park, Banff is well stocked.

- "chipmonk Yoda" in transcendental meditation (or just about to let go fetid abbestia)

- "Groundhog obhesis"

-This is just a pointless squirrel, but I liked the photo.

- "Golden Eagle"

- "Moose" ("Elk" in English, "Wapiti" in native language)

-and finally he ... "Bear nerus nerus "

At this point I can not dispense with telling a story as frightening exciting. This, like other bears, was photographed on board or in the vicinity road that crosses the park, Banff. One sees the car, in fact, more precisely, it usually happens that one sees a cluster of cars stopped at the roadside, and then you stop, and 90% of the time there as everyone is starving because of locusts has been sighted a black bear or an elk, moose or American. The more daring and take pictures of the car down in a frantic (Toty always at the forefront, like the time he went to meet the Wapiti to allow him to photograph his haemorrhoids), but the car is always there at your race and the bear or moose always at a safe distance.
Here, however, that a day like the others, while Toty & Totanina back to the car, just a few minutes apart from Wamba, on a path of about ten minutes which allows the edge of the road, to reach a nice little canyon, something happens. The path is quite busy with tourists, usually noisy, and Toty for the first part of the road (uphill return) speaks with Totanina why they recommended it, especially the cashier at the supermarket in Lake Luise said "if you talk between you, you will never see a bear on your way, "and Toty has always followed the advice ... but at the end of that tiny path uphill out of breath ... ... where could not take it to talk. And in a section of trail with no other tourists in sight, here is that at some Toty point and looks up at the edge of the path on your right, no more than 2 feet away, comes face to face with a black bear ... people, I wrote "face to face" so to speak, he I watched and I watched him fuck ... I passed in front of my whole life, when the kindergarten is playing soccer and always puts me in the door because I was poor, when the urologist had me examining prostate violation cavity of my body never violated before, when just over a month before a stronzolone m'aveva pissed on the phone again, when the medium is thought that said "Every metal music" or that time when I almost burned the curtains of the room, without count that time when I burned half backyard a farmer or even the time I shit in the hole of the golf course in college in England, without ever enjoying the effect of my joke ... well all the best moments of my life I have passed before his eyes as a fast belt, and a moment later the bear Balù moved away from the path with a sudden flash while Totanina finally noticed him ... at that point, I even had the nerve to pull out my camera while he He stopped about ten feet away and stared at us turned back, but when he heard the "tick" of the flash (by default) has been given to the escape ... so forgive me if there are no contributions from visual event, even if they are quite happy to be able to tell. Note: Totanina had absolutely no fear, evidently conscious of fustaccione side of it was ... But now no more talk on and on with the rest of the animals!
- "Bald Eagle"

- "Grey whale"

- "sfocatus Sea otter (Lontra marina out of focus) ... I know, it takes imagination ...

- "Sea lions" (sea lions)

- "Humpback Whale" ("Baleine a bosse" in French, "Humpback Whale" in Italian)

- "Minke whale" ("Petite rorqual" in French, "minke" in Italian, kayak is included in the package)

- "Common whale" ("Rorqual commune" in French, "Whale higher in Italian)

-" Racoon "(" Raccoon "or" Raccoon "to the French ask Veronichina)

- "Black Squirrel" ("Black Squirrel")

- "Sula" ("Gannet" in English)

- "Hummingbird"

- "Foca"

- "Beaver" ("Beaver"! finally we found it ... in fact we found two families well, busy to strengthen the home and destroying the dam careless whole acres of forest ...)

-And last, our favorite ... The American elk ("Moose" in English)

we stop here for now, promising at least another post soon on the places we visited during our trips up and down for Canada.