Friday, August 22, 2008

Do You Capitalize Schools Of Philosophy


Rio, a cidade maravilhosa, Rio, capital of the breathtaking viewpoints, Queen of samba, Mother of the surfers .... Rio
civil war, the deaths of Rosinha, Vidigal, Providencia, Babylon, Macacos, Complexo Alemao .... Yes, yes, we all know, I know even I, do it yourself kind of tourist, almost working, nearly integrated, almost gringa ....
Everybody knows who has seen the film, which won the Berlin Film Festival, "Tropa de Elite": a film based on true events, or at least really told, in the BOPE squad, specialized anti-narcotics troops.
Beyond the strong scenes, what makes you think is the perennial nervous tension that keeps people hanging on the edge of their lives ...
When I look around these characters take on traits of people crossing the street, the daily news stories, but the issue is more strange that the people most severely affected, raped, killed, those who live the daily violence in the favelas, disappear from my view, not everyone always counted in the victims ...
First I wondered how it was possible to accept this violence, to sit quietly in the living his life, now I do ritorvo a huge effort to remember this violence, even Verdelith!
Like a light exposure makes the blind darkness, so the daily evidence of the facts trivializes the reality: "It 's so, what can you do?" indeed, it is thought only to protect themselves and to be afraid ...
So VIVA LA VIOLENCE! living weapons, all agree, from the producers, traffickers, politicians, police, the petty criminal, the desperate, etc. ... MUST PROTECT YOURSELF! Everyone on your side of the fence, and so, especially in slums and popular, is a hymn to violence, who has won the weapon, the others are silent ...
It 's normal to get used to waiting for the shots from morro (favela) in Morro (favela) and read in the newspaper the next day how many died over your house. Now I
is very clear that the Darwinian theory says that man is the animal most suitable for this and winning, one thing I wonder: do we want to win?


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