Friday, August 22, 2008

Fem Vs Fem Stomach Sitting

the series "Discovery channel makes us a chainsaw" - Wrapped return ... Animals!

Well I know, from July 23 we did not live longer, and certainly you will all be in trepidation to see if we are all fine. So, I will tell you that for this Once it went well ...
hard to tell in one or more separate post all the exciting adventures of "Poker Aces scored (Wambina & Wamba, Toty & Totanina) during their 12 days passed between mountains, lakes, glaciers, bears, moose, surfers , whales, lions (ok, they were marine ...), frittissimo cod, giant cedars, eagles and Pacific Oceans, raccoons, etc. etc.., plus adding the other eight days passed from the connection between fish Toty & Totanina other bears, other whales , moose, beaver (!!!), hummingbirds, millions of gannets, seals, etc. etc..
So what Toty you feel like doing at this juncture, it is first of all to show a cold sample of all animals encountered during this kind of coast-to-coast (whereas car, plane, bike, legs, boat) that we saw from Montreal at the time of the park of Banff, and then to Vancouver Island, Vancouver and after that the Gaspesie (T & T), the park of the island of Bonaventure and Roche Perce, from park to park Forillon de la Gaspesie, Tadoussac until the now legendary, the undisputed capital of whales and frikkettoni.
Gone with the samples!
-start with the new entry, an unusual example of "Totanina mountain" on which I will refrain from giving opinions ...

-A wheel follows the "high seas Toty" ... a the first fruits of the lake ...

"And here they are gathered together, ready to lay their eggs close to the Peyto Lake (pay no attention to the man of the side that makes the military salute ... it was just a former alpine convinced to be at a rally in Belluno).

-And here's a couple of "typical in Wamba held by the Communist regime" (shit, but you can still say ???).

-And finally ... here they are together with the legs cut off ... ... a bit against the 'wrong ... but then with the self-timer can not be expected more.

-Volatile unknown to us in the park, Banff is well stocked.

- "chipmonk Yoda" in transcendental meditation (or just about to let go fetid abbestia)

- "Groundhog obhesis"

-This is just a pointless squirrel, but I liked the photo.

- "Golden Eagle"

- "Moose" ("Elk" in English, "Wapiti" in native language)

-and finally he ... "Bear nerus nerus "

At this point I can not dispense with telling a story as frightening exciting. This, like other bears, was photographed on board or in the vicinity road that crosses the park, Banff. One sees the car, in fact, more precisely, it usually happens that one sees a cluster of cars stopped at the roadside, and then you stop, and 90% of the time there as everyone is starving because of locusts has been sighted a black bear or an elk, moose or American. The more daring and take pictures of the car down in a frantic (Toty always at the forefront, like the time he went to meet the Wapiti to allow him to photograph his haemorrhoids), but the car is always there at your race and the bear or moose always at a safe distance.
Here, however, that a day like the others, while Toty & Totanina back to the car, just a few minutes apart from Wamba, on a path of about ten minutes which allows the edge of the road, to reach a nice little canyon, something happens. The path is quite busy with tourists, usually noisy, and Toty for the first part of the road (uphill return) speaks with Totanina why they recommended it, especially the cashier at the supermarket in Lake Luise said "if you talk between you, you will never see a bear on your way, "and Toty has always followed the advice ... but at the end of that tiny path uphill out of breath ... ... where could not take it to talk. And in a section of trail with no other tourists in sight, here is that at some Toty point and looks up at the edge of the path on your right, no more than 2 feet away, comes face to face with a black bear ... people, I wrote "face to face" so to speak, he I watched and I watched him fuck ... I passed in front of my whole life, when the kindergarten is playing soccer and always puts me in the door because I was poor, when the urologist had me examining prostate violation cavity of my body never violated before, when just over a month before a stronzolone m'aveva pissed on the phone again, when the medium is thought that said "Every metal music" or that time when I almost burned the curtains of the room, without count that time when I burned half backyard a farmer or even the time I shit in the hole of the golf course in college in England, without ever enjoying the effect of my joke ... well all the best moments of my life I have passed before his eyes as a fast belt, and a moment later the bear Balù moved away from the path with a sudden flash while Totanina finally noticed him ... at that point, I even had the nerve to pull out my camera while he He stopped about ten feet away and stared at us turned back, but when he heard the "tick" of the flash (by default) has been given to the escape ... so forgive me if there are no contributions from visual event, even if they are quite happy to be able to tell. Note: Totanina had absolutely no fear, evidently conscious of fustaccione side of it was ... But now no more talk on and on with the rest of the animals!
- "Bald Eagle"

- "Grey whale"

- "sfocatus Sea otter (Lontra marina out of focus) ... I know, it takes imagination ...

- "Sea lions" (sea lions)

- "Humpback Whale" ("Baleine a bosse" in French, "Humpback Whale" in Italian)

- "Minke whale" ("Petite rorqual" in French, "minke" in Italian, kayak is included in the package)

- "Common whale" ("Rorqual commune" in French, "Whale higher in Italian)

-" Racoon "(" Raccoon "or" Raccoon "to the French ask Veronichina)

- "Black Squirrel" ("Black Squirrel")

- "Sula" ("Gannet" in English)

- "Hummingbird"

- "Foca"

- "Beaver" ("Beaver"! finally we found it ... in fact we found two families well, busy to strengthen the home and destroying the dam careless whole acres of forest ...)

-And last, our favorite ... The American elk ("Moose" in English)

we stop here for now, promising at least another post soon on the places we visited during our trips up and down for Canada.


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