Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are Thier Games Like Poptrpopica

The angle of the recipes a

Since Wamba Mater is worried about the alleged principal dell'almo weight loss and long-limbed son, we feel increasingly to calm: the average daily use of the standard package Barilla is approaching unity and the average net unit commitment is breaking quota in three hundred grams. It 'worth noting here that the package amounted not to exact a pound, but at 454 grams (residues English measurements, boh of Oxford will be 3.5 ounces or 2.6 pounds of Glasgow and a half or 5 cubic feet or 1.3 gallon solids overseas).

But let the sun and delicious recipes that the best representatives of Italy, the Tuscan-fishing-communist (seen the news coming from his boot, we want to repeat it), came up with to survive in this vale of tears taste. This is the primary source of livelihood


store-bought one pack plenty of broccoli indestructible, green, then carrots, celery, Oliven, canned tuna, tomatoes, a slice of fresh salmon and a lot of reinforced Rice Uncle Bob parbolied from 5 pounds. Then go home with the loot acquired, profiting by the gym strengthening the biceps with the bag Uncle Bob.
Then take a pot from the military and, after cleaning the broccoli carrots and celery, toss in the water and boil until it ammosciano: he created hell. Now make the batch operation of a typical port with Containers: Spent
raised vegetables and cut finely, then rejected in hell. At this point, take slender three cups for breakfast and rice, Fill half past two, throwing it all in hell.
With the skillful use of the ladle to enliven the conversation with fellow hell rough while avoiding the rice from sticking. After the classic twenty minutes, add the tuna, tomatoes and black olives, if hell is evaporated wet the pot to stop cooking, drain and otherwise with the remaining water make us a nice tea for the evening.
The amount of food obtained can be used to feed the entire shipyard in Livorno Orlando for three days. Here goes well at work as the workers of once. Store in refrigerator.
Ah, had already left the salmon. Well with that let us the second, tar very well the kitchen, the smell stays there for at least a week.

note: not a drop of oil has been used for the recipe, the Toty it shows, "My parents should be really proud," repeated like a robot now involution in childhood. Meanwhile, however, the Wamba
no longer in the bathroom .... (Mom, eeh joke, always at night)

small part of the Imperial Rice Toty

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tongue Web Piercing White Tissue

Tadoussac - Part Three

Man beaver ...

After the release of Captain Ahab's boat on the day you could even have been considered closed, after all, we were more than satisfied, but we did not know what we were getting into saying yes to what seemed like a harmless little walk to the lake ... but ...
14:00 pm departure from the hostel for a trip to the "Beaver Lake" ... Our hero
Toty now completely at ease in the marine / aqueous try in vain to emulate his idol (Capitan Findus) proposed around the lake with the notorious hostel galleon ...
Wamba and does not take well to go back in the room ... or maybe it's tightly run away ...
The delusions of grandeur and the evacuations of Toty digestive Wamba nearly make the group go without them. The guide
"gitarella Lake" is a Coco, a man of a certain age (it is still up for grabs in a beaver fur for those who guess your age) from the long white hair, the leather jacket dirty, cream-colored teeth, all in all physical but dry with a buzz from that rivals the best Zufo ... It takes about half an hour for our heroes to understand that the native language of Cocoa and French. The French themselves groping in a vain attempt to understand all the explanations about the customs and habits of beavers ... in short, the nice man to know it really shows a lot about them and makes us see what are able to do with their teeth ...
left the tree felled by beaver, right Cocò.
Slowly the "earth's crew" to the following ageless man begins to understand that maybe it will not be so light gitarella ... Coco begins to wander into the forest, the trail disappears and begins to understand that Toty if he wants to return safely to the hostel, it suits them not to lose sight of the man of beavers in the meantime ... Coco explains that a beaver on average strikes 200 trees a year and meanwhile is taking us right at home her beaver ... we mean, and the house of Coco just can not know ... imagine the landscape change in the meantime ...
to that, however, should be the home of the beaver, we do not find Coco and then explains that in reality the beaver has 3 houses on that lake (3 lake homes ... got it?! But those that have all Vaini beavers in Canada?) and that at least every year during that period, the same Coco does not know where the beaver to go away ... the mystery deepens and enhances our appreciation for Coco tree after tree.
Lake in the distance with one of the three houses of the beaver.
After a while, 'we come to one of the largest dams built by beavers, but there's not even funny pet shade ...
Here Coco took the opportunity to lecture us about the life of another small rodent. A single beaver is capable of carrying only pieces of tree that really shocked to see them leave us, and only 2 Beavers were able to make the dam (and other smaller all around). Then Coco reveals to us, not without pride, because the beaver has a flat tail ... it happened that once made him duck a blow job ... after 15 days (yesterday) we finally realized that all were laughing so much because in French " tail ", which is called" queue ", is also a rude and vulgar to indicate the member remain male genital ... without words. Meanwhile
continues around the lake and trails even the shadow ...
The path chosen by Coco brings us suddenly to climb up a rock on which much, if one puts the wrong foot ... the cottage is found to fertilize the beaver comes ... After being mounted descent, Coco gets to wait and watch close to a difficult passage that all of us to do ... and at one point a voice is heard: "Uere to do ev to go??"
Here the hero of the hill and unable to rescue the poor Wamba improvised Aplin!
Then we get the second house on the lake of rodent, but there is no trace of him. Coco's face darkens, is keen to let us see and understand when it tries to bring up the morale of the troops with another story:
There are 2 friends for a walk in the woods. All of a sudden noises behind them, and discover that a huge grizzly bear is chasing them to make her dinner. Start running like mad to escape (just like the Lonely Planet guide advises against the Wamba!) And at one point one of two friends and is reflected to the other:
"But why do you insist on running, so the ' bear can run faster than you "
and the other responds:
" But I do not pretend to outrun the bear, I'm happy to run faster than you "

MORAL: Escape!
The catch is that Coco tells the joke in quebechese narrow Toty with the help of some French-speaking Europe can understand and translate to Wamba, but There are the German girls who have not been able to understand it ... Coco asks for a volunteer to translate it into English, he does not feel, already has its problems with the French ... the air gets heavy, no one offers ... until at some point the same superhero who became Wamba launches translation wheel! The German smiling ... obviously the story is far from the best German humor ...
summary the translation was by quebechese for an Italian to French (the Toty) to change from French to Italian, and then finish for the German into English ... for all we know at the beginning we could also talk about the story in a Pisan Awaii holiday to ...
Meanwhile, the "Company of the Beaver" again, the mood is back up and at some point you hear a noise like a stone thrown into the lake ... the movement of Coco is awesome, like an animal from the tip bristles ears and falls close to the source of the noise by saying "It's a beaver "..." maybe maybe it's a beaver ...
hard to believe, but it seems that we found ...
I know the photo ... not really the best to understand how it's done a beaver, but we have seen, and we have also seen him do his typical move to beat the flat tail on the water before diving. For a while 'we see him again, after a while one of us gets bored and goes away ...
The walk is far from over, at which point the group begins to climb to reach a vantage point overlooking the fjord in the distance also.
The group is visibly tired ...
But c 'is yet to be conquered the last hill ... where do you capture Toty Wamba and entrusting the camera in the hands of Toty Coco (to make them accountable for level of trust we place in this man)
... He knows everything about beavers and also can do some great photos! It 'definitely our new myth!
conclude by paying tribute to Coco, "The Man of beavers, which made us get up on top of this beautiful hill, inaccessible to ordinary mortals because of the lack of a shred of trail. ..

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Homemade Skate Sharpening Machine

Special Characters Fair: Arterio Sampei

The St. Lawrence River is a thin and short course of water from the torrential flow characteristic.


public toilets with Turkey to Livorno

Montreal Just before the river as the rapids, where many of our own fishermen go hunting for big fish.


Here are some fishermen in peace and quiet, each in its place.

QUIET FISHERMEN (right-Saddam, Padre Pio and apparently aged Ranjan Gangopadhyayyayaayhai ...)

Watch this looks a little like the Tupolev shaved:


The quiet but soon fades: suddenly, escorted by a dozen Chinese mad, get Arterio Sampei, a bizarre character with clumsy beast, and impulsive personality powerfully with a bunch of rods in tow. The rest disappears suddenly. Start the Casino.

GRANDFATHER ARTERIES Sampei, straw hat, sunglasses beefy ever stopped

The nice thing is that it is square, completely oblivious of his colleagues, a few inches from a fellow so furious and starts jerky and the barrel to slam to the right and left.

BEGINS concussion, my colleague seems annoyed afraid

"What a jerk, I'd already pissed off bad, oh de, now I'm going to say something." Good squid can not stand the arrogance of Sampei, yet my colleague victim is almost subdued, apparently by the charisma.

No time to say "Banzai" and behold the magic that pulls a crawling of 3 pounds, everyone looking at him astonished and followed the Chinese began to scream like crazy and macaques. Executioner, but then really knows how to fish.
If not, evidently disturbed by such a casino motherland, the Charismatic movement by making a rash and sudden maneuver too abrupt and the edge of physical and mechanical properties of the barrel so ... TROOOOOOOO ....... .... the TROOCTROOOO the barrel is broken in 3 equal parts.
Toty Wamba and stick to crash 'to laugh and involve all the Chinese who in turn will laugh, you do not know whether to be polite or osmosis. Everyone laughs, NOT HIM.
But do not worry, the sample is discarded in a rush of new troiaio with a cane and smoking puts down the hook.


1 .... 2 .... 3 .... tonfa, turn it up another carp. It 's a riot! Other anglers watch it very badly, tell us who made the forbidden move, so move the hook to catch the fish Saving Silverman, maneuver clearly prohibited (no makes all angry blacks). The Chinese side with the horde of cameras.


"But the carp are not edible," thunders the squid, but the SimilTupolev explains: "The Chinese eat everything." Indeed, after yet another diplomatic incident of Fury Arterio Sampei with a neighbor (with unprecedented violence was stranded with the love of the risk of splitting the connecting rod, the stands bewildered colleague from the fray), the fake Tupolev draw a crawling giant and gives the Eastern troops, generating excitement generally, with flash and gooks everywhere hysterical switch.

We also have an exceptional document that testifies the extraordinary technique splash arterial

Thursday, May 22, 2008

How Long Will A Dvd Last Unopened

Tadoussac - Tadoussac

Retrieve from the sea ...
Wake up at 7:50.
8:00 am Zodiac reservation (or an inflatable ...) to go see the whales. 8:30 pm
our two heroes look a bit 'of energy in a slice of bread and Nutella. 8:45 pm
is useless, his eyes remain buttoned.
9:00 am meeting at the port of Tadoussac to wear clothing suitable for the "Whales watching ...
... but will ...

Time is our friend, giving us a little sun and mist, which is ideal for spotting the mammals larger than the earth. Captain Zodiac, in French, asks if everyone understands French, auks Wamba (increasingly slim, we reiterate for the record) refers to its particular need for translating it into English, something pleasant but not even that Toty it is clearly a native speaker ... the cruise will be held in strict quebechese.
Here is a picture of the two heroes as they attempt to decipher a comment from the captain about the average time of immersion of the whales
Wamba especially if the ride watching the spasmodic efforts of the poor Toty ...
time passes while on the boat, the crew makes friends but even the shadow of whales ... a group of Beluga is sighted but captain with a strong accent of Quebec, the center says something like "break them nummi cojoni c'annamo after A sees ... er Beluga." Here
but at some point someone in the stern ... sighted something is not a dolphin is not a beluga ... ... is not even a pheasant, or a thrush or a boar ...
E 'own her, the whale, Moby Dick ... oh no, the captain is adamant about this, Moby Dick from the description in the book actually is a common sperm whale. The only thing that gives us in English will be the name of the species that we saw Minke Whale ... ... small consolation, since we ignore the translation until the evening when we discover that the network this is the minke, the smallest, just 10 meters ...
But it is beautiful ... oh my God, you do not see that much of the rump, though the emotion is great and it makes a nice Toty overdose of salt while watching the beast.
"AO, and there mmo port vvede Belugas," Captain Ahab part at high speed, we salute you with white handkerchiefs Moby risk and also "coat" with the boat due to the reckless driving of the Captain. The Beluga
it proved far more timid, this is their best shot:
(no. .. not a white rock, not even an envelope dell'ipercoop thrown into the sea by a villain, but we recognize that it takes a little 'imagination ...)

The next stop is the great whales on a tour of the fjord, always excessive speed (or articulated ...)

waterfall. ..
Here, however, close to the waterfall, the whole crew, including Captain Ahab, is attracted by a sweet melody from the sea ... and then the Captain as a kind of Odysseus sets out in search of the source so mad graceful and exhilarating ocean singing ... and ... after the end of a cliff ... found out on a rock, the charming creature, a mermaid ... beautiful and terrifying, sensual and irresistible ...
... With the face skinned by the sun ...

Chelsea Charms Better Than Maxi

Part Two - Part One

Tadoussac ... or "A quiet we be afraid" A
2 weeks of their arrival in the land Quebechina 2 Tuscan feel the need to escape the city, while very livable, we set out for a long time ( 4 days) at a time of Tadoussac, the country Whale ... The plan starting at midday Enterprise by the car, but after a little walk miles carrying only the bare minimum to survive (guitar for Toty piacione, Wamba's laptop to hear the wife, extra virgin olive oil + pasta + garlic + tomato Mutti why the fuck the night in the hostel for dinner two wires you want while eating them, blankets and clothing, 2 cameras, 4 pounds of fruit during the day because you want a snack while doing it, nutella + bread because you would not want forget that breakfast is the main meal of the day, etc etc etc), we said, after through the Serengeti on foot because the metro station by the car very far cheaper (perhaps because it's cheap ...) the cruel Spock Enterprise Wamba denied the opportunity to rent and drive a car because of the promise that license paper, as everyone knows, the Enterprise does not even open the door to the toilet ...

During But the trip Montreal-Tadoussac Toty befriends a centaur native who learned the sad news, tries to comfort the old Wamba saying
'Do Vaini glue with this car ... but yes we Fietta the nose! "
(Trad from the Toty Quebechese close)
The trip takes around 7 hours and half (stops including food and medical aid), but when our two heroes come to the Fjord Tadoussac, it is the right time to enjoy the sunset (or calasole) fjord ...

The arrival at the hostel is not the best because of certain disagreements initially suffered by our two heroes for the work of a group of francesis hominis sapiens, who try to ridicule our mother country, pointing to songs like "The Italian" Cutugno or "I love you" Tozzi. But the ice begins to melt when hsfrancesis invite two friends to sing "Hello Beautiful." Toty Finally, by making typical of the Democratic Left naive and sentimental, commented saying "I love this song" ... A hsfrancesis now accuses him of being "Communist" and then is forced to explain hominid Toty that word now in Italy can no longer use, it is a race now extinct.
The evening ends in a magical way, a huge bonfire outside the hostel with people playing all around and sings ...

with the moon in the background ...

e. .. a galleon??
Wamba stares at him with unbelieving eyes, feeling suddenly at home ... "as the galleons buried in San Rossore de ..."

A worthy end to an evening like this, would find two young men, willing
native (or any other ethnic background) by taking advantage of the incredible woo chiaroscuro created by fire and the moon (CIAL to translate, suspecting that you are losing "the Fietta !!!"), but you know, our two heroes are Engaged / Married
both, so tenderly hugging front end to the astonishment of those present .. .

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Testicles Itch After Intercourse

Viva Consulate

Until the fishy Toty will delight you with our adventure between whales and beavers, the angle of the bureaucracy.
I go to my great joy at the Italian consulate in Montreal to authenticate a photo.
Now the consulate is located on a steep hill and is easy to get on my proverbial intrinsic muscles and agility on the pedals, Nick knows what I mean (I got this Agnano? Here ....). Arrival
fresh pink axillary checks to make sure the beast, rampant terrorism and rightly so, as was the Canadian embassy in Rome, you had to also show the fillings. I accept the
an Italian security anzianotto (giubbottone Canadian Security Trust, fantastic) with strong emphasis Abruzzo, "endra endra," I pass by the electronic control, playing the world (only with a backpack, computer, phone, everything), "which I do, "and he" ghe you doing? endra endra. Here people can enter and exit freely, the alarm sounds continuously, and everyone is happy.
Hordes of Naples, Puglia, Molise with the Yankee accent in a row for the document. Posters on the walls of Capri, Sicily and a plate of macaroni.
The security man treats me like a child and also gives me an espresso, a beast bono. We are friends.
I take the note and I'm going to sit there and the TV channel RAI transmits course next door to Bassolino besieged by Vespa and waste, then disgusted and change the security on the Tour of Italy, much healthier. Air of my house.
After telling me the story of his life and his sister Sulmona that because he did not then we went home every weekend and the streets were there know how, but we've never been so on and so on, as I am directed by the security officer, dall'azzento Emilian cordialissssssimo, with a smile as wide as the A1 in Modena, sooorbole.
"Mo is the first time that a real picture, I look at how to do it well. "
But we do very well, you see that it is prepared and fast, not as common to Pisa, where the little woman fetid CIA, the snobbish" But leeeeeeeei the certificate of birth or did it all in Putignano 'Anagrife, because a mine is the same bold, eeeeehhh.
But here everything works.
This is I love Italy, the Italy that works, the 'Italy welcoming and generous, to see
to think the worst times of my beloved country.

"Mo alora are around $ 48 and 24 zentesimi.

What unbelievably, thieves, this new right-wing government, and they are plunged back into the Prior criticism, I go out, she began to rain, and disappeared down a thief and government of all the effect MandolinoPizza.

I go around all day.

But now, cold, in hindsight, a coffee offered aggratis, the interview with Bassolino, a piece of the Giro d'Italy, the favorable exchange rate, friendliness, and especially the knowledge of the state leading to Sulmona from Termoli. But still, in Italy I would have paid much more for all these things. For example, the coffee Cnitu is not free, unless there is the key to the cyhalo around.

Monday, May 12, 2008

What Does Shoe Size C/d Mean

Conquering the Pont Cartier Montreal

The purchase of the brand-new bike (used) has instilled a desire in our heroes of the heroic, the scent of cycling than once, Coppi peaks.

Jacques Cartier bridge is a hulk of a few km long bridge across the St. Lawrence River and connecting the various islands of urban parks.

Taken from childhood enthusiasm, the heroes are preparing to climb the pre-ramp. On the way to get there a little break and refreshing to see some local hockey players.

The bridge is all a quiver, wobble that should appease an engineer, but one does not feel right at home ....
The path climbs up a slow but steady and continuous, fortunately a bike path prevents the pruning immediately by buses crazy.

After moments of intense collective effort to the summit and is a riot of miccette, photos that rained on the skyline, the descent is pleasant and the skillful use of the brakes sfracellature avoid unpleasant.

pity that at the end of the ramp bridge was under construction or renovation, and our heroes have been forced down the back stairs with the bike on his shoulder, with hundreds of kilocalories of energy expenditure.

yet to Wamba did not return things.
No, something was not right about this.
But how, in urban parks, there are children, the elderly and adults with biciclettine Dutch babbioni grandparents etc, not everyone can have "SCALA" the bridge. Yet it is the only one that connects the islands, confirms Google Map.

No, no returns. Well anyway, the journey continues. The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve
bike is spectacular, some are mounting for the mobile stages of the GP 9, Toty make a speed test on the first straight ("Executioner goddesses as I go faster with a bike is"), turn the curve inexorably plant . The
Wamba sees him on the curve, "So?" "Eh, I guess I had the wind to ....".
Time, a quarter of Oretta, Schumi 1:13 minutes. And okay, bao or lovely, heart racing car is easy.

The goal

Tribute to Gilles Villeneuve

No, not the safety car ....

The Toty upwind (without mane travels better)

Just enough time to admire some marmot (errata by Luke are marmots, beavers do not, however rodent species of amphibian), stands in front of the cyclists sober and severe Metro stop at the park with the little drawing of the yellow bicycle. "You are welcome etc etc"
Holy shit ......

Toty all happy because it does not have to redo the bridge ....