Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are Thier Games Like Poptrpopica

The angle of the recipes a

Since Wamba Mater is worried about the alleged principal dell'almo weight loss and long-limbed son, we feel increasingly to calm: the average daily use of the standard package Barilla is approaching unity and the average net unit commitment is breaking quota in three hundred grams. It 'worth noting here that the package amounted not to exact a pound, but at 454 grams (residues English measurements, boh of Oxford will be 3.5 ounces or 2.6 pounds of Glasgow and a half or 5 cubic feet or 1.3 gallon solids overseas).

But let the sun and delicious recipes that the best representatives of Italy, the Tuscan-fishing-communist (seen the news coming from his boot, we want to repeat it), came up with to survive in this vale of tears taste. This is the primary source of livelihood


store-bought one pack plenty of broccoli indestructible, green, then carrots, celery, Oliven, canned tuna, tomatoes, a slice of fresh salmon and a lot of reinforced Rice Uncle Bob parbolied from 5 pounds. Then go home with the loot acquired, profiting by the gym strengthening the biceps with the bag Uncle Bob.
Then take a pot from the military and, after cleaning the broccoli carrots and celery, toss in the water and boil until it ammosciano: he created hell. Now make the batch operation of a typical port with Containers: Spent
raised vegetables and cut finely, then rejected in hell. At this point, take slender three cups for breakfast and rice, Fill half past two, throwing it all in hell.
With the skillful use of the ladle to enliven the conversation with fellow hell rough while avoiding the rice from sticking. After the classic twenty minutes, add the tuna, tomatoes and black olives, if hell is evaporated wet the pot to stop cooking, drain and otherwise with the remaining water make us a nice tea for the evening.
The amount of food obtained can be used to feed the entire shipyard in Livorno Orlando for three days. Here goes well at work as the workers of once. Store in refrigerator.
Ah, had already left the salmon. Well with that let us the second, tar very well the kitchen, the smell stays there for at least a week.

note: not a drop of oil has been used for the recipe, the Toty it shows, "My parents should be really proud," repeated like a robot now involution in childhood. Meanwhile, however, the Wamba
no longer in the bathroom .... (Mom, eeh joke, always at night)

small part of the Imperial Rice Toty


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