Monday, May 12, 2008

What Does Shoe Size C/d Mean

Conquering the Pont Cartier Montreal

The purchase of the brand-new bike (used) has instilled a desire in our heroes of the heroic, the scent of cycling than once, Coppi peaks.

Jacques Cartier bridge is a hulk of a few km long bridge across the St. Lawrence River and connecting the various islands of urban parks.

Taken from childhood enthusiasm, the heroes are preparing to climb the pre-ramp. On the way to get there a little break and refreshing to see some local hockey players.

The bridge is all a quiver, wobble that should appease an engineer, but one does not feel right at home ....
The path climbs up a slow but steady and continuous, fortunately a bike path prevents the pruning immediately by buses crazy.

After moments of intense collective effort to the summit and is a riot of miccette, photos that rained on the skyline, the descent is pleasant and the skillful use of the brakes sfracellature avoid unpleasant.

pity that at the end of the ramp bridge was under construction or renovation, and our heroes have been forced down the back stairs with the bike on his shoulder, with hundreds of kilocalories of energy expenditure.

yet to Wamba did not return things.
No, something was not right about this.
But how, in urban parks, there are children, the elderly and adults with biciclettine Dutch babbioni grandparents etc, not everyone can have "SCALA" the bridge. Yet it is the only one that connects the islands, confirms Google Map.

No, no returns. Well anyway, the journey continues. The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve
bike is spectacular, some are mounting for the mobile stages of the GP 9, Toty make a speed test on the first straight ("Executioner goddesses as I go faster with a bike is"), turn the curve inexorably plant . The
Wamba sees him on the curve, "So?" "Eh, I guess I had the wind to ....".
Time, a quarter of Oretta, Schumi 1:13 minutes. And okay, bao or lovely, heart racing car is easy.

The goal

Tribute to Gilles Villeneuve

No, not the safety car ....

The Toty upwind (without mane travels better)

Just enough time to admire some marmot (errata by Luke are marmots, beavers do not, however rodent species of amphibian), stands in front of the cyclists sober and severe Metro stop at the park with the little drawing of the yellow bicycle. "You are welcome etc etc"
Holy shit ......

Toty all happy because it does not have to redo the bridge ....


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