Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Is Cervix Soft Before Menstration

New York City (Part II) - or: incontinent is born ...

... in the last episode you saw three young men as skilled (or poor ...) explorers due to their stubbornness and their excellent sense of direction, have unraveled in a city unknown to them, deducting Cartesian method is through the leadership of Sea, which belongs to the nation, among other things, saving a well-known local gut from certain death by drowning, and winning a particularly strategic bridge for trade and marketing of the famous T-shirts "I love NY" (bridge finally proved wrong ...) .
In this episode we go instead to investigate their social life among exotic dinners, libraries drenched culture, tours in luxury limousines, baseball games e. .. something else.
After a half day at the Metropolitan Museum (cagacazzi do as the French, we translate all in Italian!) And Vasco Toty'ano moving easily by subway (the only time you can catch the right train on right line which stops at stations right!) to be reunited with Amerigo, intent on making a spicinio stores on fift èveniu. The meeting took place at Rockefeller Center, where Vasco cries once again ... AMERICAAA to victory!

The next stop is the library, Amerigo has to do a paper for school on the mystery of smoking Bottinelli Manhattan.

After the library, a ride in a limousine from champagne, young legs, flesh, drugs, various light and heavy, 69-inch wide screen with continuous screenings of film W. Allen set in Manhattan, strawberries and cream, caviar, salmon and scenic ride in Times Square.

Finally, a stroll in Central Park, where we met a former frikkettoni of "Hair", which has become an obese amateur baseball player retires.

I know I know ... Zufo objected immediately that the ball is not moving, then the idea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful pictures but failed in the next photo ... the ball was moving, but everything was moving ... even the fat. .. then you save the.

"View of the City as seen from Central Park"
Finally, after a typical dinner "American," with hamburgers 14-oz., french fries, lettuce, onions, cucumbers and other useless things put into the pot at random, all consumed in a room that seemed straight out of "Happy Days" with tables and colorful shiny metallic finish to the edges, finally arrives well-deserved rest of the warriors.
"... the image is initially very confused and subdued, but gradually the focus improves and you can see two male figures running in a meadow, surrounded by a dense forest of maples and a sharp smell of maple syrup. The two figures running rinchiapparello carefree playing, laughing wildly as two people insane and wearing brightly colored clothes with psychedelic spirals drawn up, dragons ridden by naked Amazons and gold medallion hanging around his neck featuring a sickle and a hammer-sized slices of mortadella with pistachio, type the port of Livorno.
The camera slowly approaches until you see the faces of two carefree kids, and then everything is clear and obvious. Paul McCartney is chasing Igor Protti with his typical race "beat" to do to get an autograph from known sample "10 e lode." Igor to escape intrusiveness fan, takes refuge in a meander of the wood running with brisk and graceful as having scored the goal that secured the Serie B in Livorno, against Treviso. But the comedy of Paul not to be won, and follows him to the depths of the forest. He feels the sound of a waterfall, and Paul finally comes close to the river and sees Igor intent to bathe in a pond idyllic to say the least. E 'completely naked and vulnerable, Paul also is laid bare and approaches, drawing the attention ... but then when the other turns his face as if by magic, evil has become one of Wamba, blond with long hair shining in the sun and dry. So when Paul realizes that it is not Paul, but his most avid fans, or Toty. While the two look at each other in disbelief, under the waterfall, with an intense beam of sun that warms them and enhances the harmonious, Toty hear the sound of the waterfall to grow, and become increasingly more and more real ... ... and finally wakes up ... 'hostel
Chamber of the Upper West Side, Toty sleeps in bed under a bunk bed, opens her eyes just enough enough to see a penis right next to him, intent to urinate in the corner of the room beside her bed. The punishment clearly belongs to a sinister figure. In the bed above Vasco sleeping. Toty in his sleepy delirium think the filthy Piscione is your friend Vasco, auks calling him to actually trying to make him understand that it is in a public toilet: "Oh, Claudia!"
"Oh, Antonio!"
stain, the answer comes from the bed above, the pisciatore is another. Toty fails to nothing but wait for the piss, while Vasco (in turn, thinking it was Toty to dirty the beautiful carpet of the hostel) a spring on the rump of storcione Piscione.
"oh, sorry"
The answer is not as surreal. Sorry for what? Sorry if I'm pissing next to the bed? After the piss out of the room. Toty slowly gets out of bed and face his friend Vasco for about 33 seconds without having the courage to say anything. Then he goes around the bed to the corner indicted, and you notice that the envelope the night before he left right next to the bed, inside a toothbrush, toothpaste, book by Ken Follet (but still one of the worst), and above the envelope out of it ... ... Nokia used as an alarm clock in the morning! The HORROR

Piscione pissed me on my nice new phone.
Toty beginning to be slightly disappointed, but still struggling against sleep.
With your fingertips takes the Nokia and starts into the bathroom to wash it. Piscione out of the room there is in the corridor, obviously drunk.
result is a surreal dialogue that would define an understatement.
"You pissed on my phone"
"who, me? No you're wrong"
"No no, I recognize your shorts, you were just"
"No it was not me, you see I'm in this room," says Piscione, entering the room in front following a guy who had just opened the door with the special paper. Toty is not in time to follow him and stay in the corridor, only with a telephone piscioso in hand.
starts in the bathroom, washes him, dismounting, I washed again piece by piece. At the end of the phone is clean as a baby's ass, giving off whiffs of soap, but not giving signs of life, strangely.
hour later, type the security of the hostel told him that in six years working there had never heard such a thing. Ride to the story.
"You laugh, but I woke up this morning,"
"Sorry, sorry, I know I know it must have been terrible," but keeps laughing.
Come into the room he had entered, but no trace of him, and sincerely Toty, remembers only his shorts, while avendoci talked in the hallway. Sleep was too much.
the hostel they explain that to make a complaint should call the police, look for the type, take 1000 to both questions ... so Toty is on vacation and just want to go to see the Guggenheim museum ... what the fuck! Forget
and the three friends spend a day joke about it, even if Toty begins to laugh until 4 pm.
4 days after Nokia starts to operate.
far is working perfectly and still lives with the Toty, Montreal, reliable as ever. Piscione
the other hand, God rest his soul.
Ah, I forgot, Toty bought a new toothbrush and toothpaste.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


New York City (Part One) - ie: what kills so 'strong' American, ...

Magellan, Vespucci, Vasco Da Gama, better known as the "Way of the North Star," all to do their own lost in the Big Apple (maybe because they never want to come out!) And they succeed very well! Here
Vasco and Amerigo after a night spent in a bus from Montreal to the Big Apple ...

Here instead Magell'ano walking home with his shoulder (including pillow) while moving towards the hostel so looked everywhere and found it thanks to his skills as a tour operator ...

First, the three explorers experts, to try to head orientrarsi highest on the promontory of all great apple (the Empire State Building) to scan the horizon surrounding ...

Toty'ano see the ocean and concludes unequivocally that the Meloria should not be far away. Vasco asks the expert help, catfish from the tender age of seven and a half (Guaso eight) using the telescope, you notice a presence in the distance, right in the middle of the sea ... and exclaims:

"mareeeeee Woman!"
E 'Amerigo to unveil the mystery, though the first time that passed by here say they do not remember seeing this statue, evidently newly added ...
Toty'ano he wanted to add here his beautiful photos of the Brooklyn Bridge, which is so proud, but I will spare the time from which a man named "Joseph" ("s" hard), Italian-American who moved to NY for 50 years, tells the Toty'ano the bridge wrong, confusing it with that of Manhattan ...
"Aaah ... you want sabère shta where the weighted de Brughelìnnn there ... there ... there is the Quins there is Verrazz'n by the pond ... and the EC is the weighted de Brughelìnnn" him, pointing to the wrong bridge. And when the Toty'ano continues undeterred in with questions to which the poor Beppe just do not know the answer to the question if you do not know where the famous bench where sits with Diane Keaton in Woody Allen film "Manhattan", the poor emigrated to answer "no no .... I co 'I'm Cinema this vudi nummece rear tant trained people' ... I'm not much aluminum cinema ...". With him there are two friends, always Italian transplanted to New York for at least 40 years, one of Prato and one of the Friuli, and finally the native American young nephew who does not speak a word of Italian and to which Joseph insists, however, to respond in explaining the Italian landscape. "The EC is u Central Park, is u Guello llla palace 'of the UN, there is the Craislèr ... Guell and lllo weighted uoshingggtonnn Giorgio de ..." all seasoned with the interlayer applicants such as "the min ...
Suddenly, however, Vasco looks up and the right lighting:

Amerigo ... this is America! "
The second leg of their journey of discovery leads them to the coveted "weighted de Brughelìnnn. Here Vasco out to conquer the bridge shouting "Coming urtimo is pisanoooooo. Clearly, the still image is on the final vowel of the sentence urging.

Toty'ano Here is portrayed with behind the Manhattan Bridge.

More photos from the bridge ...

Here you try in vain to recreate the famous scene in "Manhattan".

Here you can make a comparison with the original ...: (2).
jpg Ok, I admit that may not be the same bench ... ok, maybe not even the same park ... and that's fine, not even the same bridge ... but the rest is spit!
The next step is to put .... the statue of liberty so dear to the old Vasco. In line to board while the sun is almost unbearable and everyone can repair as:

But more frightening things in the line there:

"Lardominali Yankee

" Seller's sad soap bubbles "
Then we board, and after a grueling traverstata for three old sea dogs like us (9 minutes and 45 seconds) , emerges from the fog that filthy pan ...

The three young explorers landed on the island and can not resist a small souvenir photo ... but in the meantime the sun to your head and the three laugh so hysterical ...

After Farda, their crossing ocean becomes much more interesting to reach Ellis Island. On this island is the main center for immigrants that existed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Documentation but mostly pictures of emigrants on their arrival in the new world they come the goose bumps and excite the three explorers particularly since many of these immigrants were Italians, and therefore, most of the posters and documents utilities were generally written in 3 languages: English, Italian, Chinese. It 'was an emotion to see some photos and above all discover that two "antonio Malachi," arrived in America in 1903 and in 1927 the City and northern Italy. They were people who had so little to lose that embarks on a journey into the unknown in practice, and when after many days of travel finally arrived at their destination, the first thing I saw was that slutty look of the statue of liberty ...

"Fax-similar to the ballot for the Italians, to call to vote for a Republican named Jerome ..."

"Manifesto to preserve food in times of war"

Photo taken during a workers strike for 8 hours. You may notice that you'll understand why sentences have particularly impressed the Toty'ano (Lunione is strength, eight hours of work eight hours sleep eight hours of sleep, Workers of the World Unite) ...

Finally, the manifesto of a limited company in Naples ... insurance, which guaranteed, among other things, 1,200 lire to family members in case of death during the Atlantic crossing ...
(To be continued)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kates Playground In Jeans And Shirt

DEODORANT ALUMINIUM and antiperspirants

carried an article on interesting dangers of deodorants with aluminum, and stress the equal danger of antiperspirants that blocking perspiration, preventing the elimination of toxins, which remain in the body. E 'was found a significant link between the daily use of antiperspirants and breast cancer.
Here is the article:

L 'Aluminum is a trace element that occurs naturally in many foods, but can be dangerous and even deadly, if it has entered into excess. It is been implicated as an etiological factor of certain diseases such as encephalopathy, osteopathy and anemia and has also been suggested as a cofactor in the onset of some neurodegenerative diseases-there, including Alzheimer's disease. It also stressed that the press almost daily, that repeated use of these products entails exposure to aluminum, and the latter seems to play an-that if there is no experimental evidence so far, a role in ' insorgen-tion of various diseases (Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer etc.).. As has been well identified and studied the food sources that can cause intake-no criticism of al-aluminum pots, containers, and other additives, still little known are the pathways extra food-stuffs, such as drugs and co-smetici.Solo in recent years, the interest of the researchers-CuNi was directed to the deodorants / antiperspirants, which may contain up to 20% of aluminum salts in the form of hydrochlorides aluminum hydrates and zirco-nium, in order to determine the risks associated with the use of aluminum in products cosmetici.In particular, these studies have examined the correlation between the frequent use of deodorants containing aluminum and aluminum- zirconium and the risk of Insor-gence of breast cancer. According to Wedge research, the combination of de-compilation of the armpits and Frequent use of deodorants containing aluminum bit-grains to be one of the causes of the proliferation of breast cancer-is it men and women. The mechanism underlying this pro-cess is due to the ability of sa-li aluminum to significantly damage the DNA of the cell-if not, stimulating their degeneration into cancer cells. The risk from the frequent use of antiperspirants, deodorants do not stop there, using the spray formulations, it would facilitate, through the cable na-sale, direct access of aluminum to the brain, causing poisoning that can lead to continuous pathologies severe, such as Alzheimer's disease, the symptoms of pre-clinical know-not been found in personnel who are professionally prodotti.Per was exposed to such time, as often accadequando touch commercial interests of some importance, academic research is prudent in order permanently based antiperspirant aluminum salts, several research programs are in place in major European universities to verify the exact speed and mode of absorption of aluminum salts, but in the meantime to avoid making guinea pigs it is prudent to dispense with antiperspirants, and in particular the spray, containing ingredients such as "Aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex 'and' Aluminium chlorohydrate.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cost Of Meat For Deli

Tolonto and Niaga! Tadoussac

After months of being away from their homes and the candles of Putignano, at least the old Wamba can hug his wife, After escaping the clutches of the evil U.S. immigration in New York.
And now it's off to the first weekend the discovery of Central Canada: the Lakes region. Wamba
The agency has discovered a Chinese travel at bargain prices which offers guided tours throughout the globe. Massa, sfruttiamola the infinite power of the Chinese anti-inflationary.
Departure at 6.00, we're on a bus with a pair of Chinese confortable in front of us, whose husband, Cho A et al, is a beast with a bull neck, each time pulling down all of a sudden movements with the armchair-style kung fu attack on the sacred and venerable kneecaps of Wamba. Li mortacci its ......
The guide is a young Chinese scleratissima paranoid anxiety that goes for any communication that should give the same obsessively repeating the same concepts over and over again (and every time multiplied by three, in Chinese, French and English). It starts to

time of the 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River wildlife area. From the ferry on the river views are cool. The guide calls them, with his French macaroni, "The Mile Lile" hundreds of times, and Wamba, the Frenchman knows it beautifully, down to think, "But he asks to have a tip, this dazed?".

After a great feast at a discounted buffet (obviously Chinese), we head to Toronto.
Here is the summary made by the dry presentation of the city guide Sclera:
"Tolonto is the big, the bigget, the biggest City of the Canada, yes, it's the big, the Tolonto, of the whole Canada, the Tolonto is the first, Because Tolonto is the big town, City of the Canada, Tolonto the big city, the Tolonto is very very big city of the Canada, no, it's the first, the Tolonto ", plus other interesting details of the series (I'll tell you in Italian)" Notice the parallel to the pylons that carry the current to Tolonto, because the ... Tolonto is the biggest ...." etc etc and down away with the basic concept of the whole trip.
a filter 20 Hz-20KHz to the eardrum in both ears, the journey continued peacefully until "the Tolonto.
In fact, the key concept is the past: Toronto Although a vast metropolis of 4 million people, not so when compared to other megacities (I already imagine that Emma makes the shoulders). But its surprising size and especially the greenery surrounding the city, a city park that is virtually an endless boreal forest, in the 70 facilities to mitigate the high levels of air pollution.
Toronto, up to 60 years, was a little town. If not that arrived after the war General de Gaulle in Montreal (then the largest city in Canada, not the Tolonto) and harangued the crowd chanting to free Quebec. Since then, born in Quebec, a strong anti-English sentiment which prompted many residents to leave the city Anglophone root (They and their money) and move to Toronto, which experienced dramatic growth and then a chaotic and quickly became the main financial office of the country, and still is (always remember the guide: "Is the biggett Tolonto the city, etc." ).
In fact, the impression is that of a shapeless agglomerate, with the downtown that keeps the streets of a country with half the size of skyscrapers New York (the ones in Montreal are bazzeccole).

But Toronto retains the strong imprint on English, with the style of Cambridge University (CIAL, remember?) And Parliament, although the government and the parliament are true in Ottawa, a city Anglophone There must be a parliament, if not Anglophone city that is??

We still have to visit the tallest tower in the world, no, of course, has been overtaken by some of the kaiser tower nearing completion in Dubai (but Nick certainly knows more than me ), the CN Tower. Well, as an engineer in telecommunications Wamba opens the heart to see this huge beast as ugly concrete ground that serves as a radio transmission tower. E '550 meters high, no look is really a giant.

We arrive on the 320 meters with a hyper-fast elevator and from there you can enjoy the 360 \u200b\u200bon the city and Lake Ontario, a real sea

There is also a part of the floor all glass, a real delight for those who suffer from vertigo, the Wamba does not suffer, but mysteriously, he prefers to be waived only by the evidence of Big Foot:

------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------
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The next morning we head towards the most famous waterfalls in the world.
alright, I will spare you the hint of the guide.
Here is a brief and succinct description: "The Fall Niaga is very very big, and it is really very big, But The Niaga fall is not very tall, But the water is very very big and I know the fall, the fall is big Niaga , very very big. Ah, okay (laughter) And Also is very very very Biutiful, But It's Also very big and Biutiful. " And on the bus triggered the mad frenzy of tourists.
To better see the waterfall make us go to CN tower in a small purpose built on the site of the waterfall (here Superintendents do not exist).
Are you ready? But it is ready? Three, two, one, go!!
This waterfall is the United States.

While This beautiful waterfall is the Canadian in a semicircle, a wonder of nature. Canadians take the piss out of them, the Americans, because they have the cascade bella.Chissà gnawing as the Yankees, they'll be thinking of bombing pure mica Ottawa?

In fact, the height is about 60 meters, but the water flow that impresses so much, and the picture does not do full justice.
I stick to what he said when he saw Dickens in 1842: "Anything that this wonderful place would be mere folly." Given that culture? I read the guide.
Here we are on the ferry that will take us under the waterfall, equipped with waterproof style Sacchini of rubbish, with splashes of water coming "on all sides from which"

Here, however, taken up by the waterfall near Canadian:

Let's see if I give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe water flow. Toh:

end our wonderful day with the last note of impeccable cultural guide on arrival in Montreal:
"Because the Montrial is The Second City of the Canada, yes, and this Because The First City of the Canada is the Tolonto, Which Is the bigget, the biggest city of the Canada, is the SECOND INSTEAD Montrial, not the biggest, the biggest is the Tolonto, the very biggest in Canada at the Is the Tolonto, yes (laughing hysterically, and then off to repeat the concept in other languages, but everyone was asleep still thinking to calm Niaga falls that are "very very big and Biutiful", etc. etc. to go crazy and kill her). The
Wamba said the next morning having dreamed the premeditated murder of the guide: cast alive into the waterfall in Canada, the very very very very big.