Tuesday, July 22, 2008


New York City (Part One) - ie: what kills so 'strong' American, ...

Magellan, Vespucci, Vasco Da Gama, better known as the "Way of the North Star," all to do their own lost in the Big Apple (maybe because they never want to come out!) And they succeed very well! Here
Vasco and Amerigo after a night spent in a bus from Montreal to the Big Apple ...

Here instead Magell'ano walking home with his shoulder (including pillow) while moving towards the hostel so looked everywhere and found it thanks to his skills as a tour operator ...

First, the three explorers experts, to try to head orientrarsi highest on the promontory of all great apple (the Empire State Building) to scan the horizon surrounding ...

Toty'ano see the ocean and concludes unequivocally that the Meloria should not be far away. Vasco asks the expert help, catfish from the tender age of seven and a half (Guaso eight) using the telescope, you notice a presence in the distance, right in the middle of the sea ... and exclaims:

"mareeeeee Woman!"
E 'Amerigo to unveil the mystery, though the first time that passed by here say they do not remember seeing this statue, evidently newly added ...
Toty'ano he wanted to add here his beautiful photos of the Brooklyn Bridge, which is so proud, but I will spare the time from which a man named "Joseph" ("s" hard), Italian-American who moved to NY for 50 years, tells the Toty'ano the bridge wrong, confusing it with that of Manhattan ...
"Aaah ... you want sabère shta where the weighted de Brughelìnnn there ... there ... there is the Quins there is Verrazz'n by the pond ... and the EC is the weighted de Brughelìnnn" him, pointing to the wrong bridge. And when the Toty'ano continues undeterred in with questions to which the poor Beppe just do not know the answer to the question if you do not know where the famous bench where sits with Diane Keaton in Woody Allen film "Manhattan", the poor emigrated to answer "no no .... I co 'I'm Cinema this vudi nummece rear tant trained people' ... I'm not much aluminum cinema ...". With him there are two friends, always Italian transplanted to New York for at least 40 years, one of Prato and one of the Friuli, and finally the native American young nephew who does not speak a word of Italian and to which Joseph insists, however, to respond in explaining the Italian landscape. "The EC is u Central Park, is u Guello llla palace 'of the UN, there is the Craislèr ... Guell and lllo weighted uoshingggtonnn Giorgio de ..." all seasoned with the interlayer applicants such as "the min ...
Suddenly, however, Vasco looks up and the right lighting:

Amerigo ... this is America! "
The second leg of their journey of discovery leads them to the coveted "weighted de Brughelìnnn. Here Vasco out to conquer the bridge shouting "Coming urtimo is pisanoooooo. Clearly, the still image is on the final vowel of the sentence urging.

Toty'ano Here is portrayed with behind the Manhattan Bridge.

More photos from the bridge ...

Here you try in vain to recreate the famous scene in "Manhattan".

Here you can make a comparison with the original ...:
http://www.nyc-architecture.com/BRI/59thstbridge (2).
jpg Ok, I admit that may not be the same bench ... ok, maybe not even the same park ... and that's fine, not even the same bridge ... but the rest is spit!
The next step is to put .... the statue of liberty so dear to the old Vasco. In line to board while the sun is almost unbearable and everyone can repair as:

But more frightening things in the line there:

"Lardominali Yankee

" Seller's sad soap bubbles "
Then we board, and after a grueling traverstata for three old sea dogs like us (9 minutes and 45 seconds) , emerges from the fog that filthy pan ...

The three young explorers landed on the island and can not resist a small souvenir photo ... but in the meantime the sun to your head and the three laugh so hysterical ...

After Farda, their crossing ocean becomes much more interesting to reach Ellis Island. On this island is the main center for immigrants that existed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Documentation but mostly pictures of emigrants on their arrival in the new world they come the goose bumps and excite the three explorers particularly since many of these immigrants were Italians, and therefore, most of the posters and documents utilities were generally written in 3 languages: English, Italian, Chinese. It 'was an emotion to see some photos and above all discover that two "antonio Malachi," arrived in America in 1903 and in 1927 the City and northern Italy. They were people who had so little to lose that embarks on a journey into the unknown in practice, and when after many days of travel finally arrived at their destination, the first thing I saw was that slutty look of the statue of liberty ...

"Fax-similar to the ballot for the Italians, to call to vote for a Republican named Jerome ..."

"Manifesto to preserve food in times of war"

Photo taken during a workers strike for 8 hours. You may notice that you'll understand why sentences have particularly impressed the Toty'ano (Lunione is strength, eight hours of work eight hours sleep eight hours of sleep, Workers of the World Unite) ...

Finally, the manifesto of a limited company in Naples ... insurance, which guaranteed, among other things, 1,200 lire to family members in case of death during the Atlantic crossing ...
(To be continued)


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